Monday, October 10, 2011

Kara Makeup Tutorial : Simple Look

Fuuhh finally i've made this first make up tutorial.
I've been arranged to make it but have no time to do it..
This is my very simple daily make up..
Hopefully you'll like it and useful for all of you ;)

btw sorry for the low quality
huks i need my hubby!
ok im ashamed of having that title of graduated from UI Broadcasting but have no skill of editing a video ;p


  1. sebelum pake foundation, ga pake pelembab, Ra?

  2. gak, karena bb cream udah mengandung mineral dan pelembab gitu. Selain itu, aku pun malas pake moisturizer dulu hehe

  3. hahaha bagus kak sangat inspiratif! Kak Kara aku juniormu di kampus looooh! hehe

  4. aq sukaaaaaaaaaaa...klo boleh tw kara..BB nya maybeline bukan siy? ga jelas uy.. :(

  5. @aida: haloo aidaa, junior di kampus mana? Unpad? UI? hehe makasih yaaa, salam kenal ;)

    iyaa itu BB cream nya maybelline hehe gak keliatan yah..

  6. oyahh? kayaknya aku ngeliat kamu di hijabclass bulan kemaren deh. iya bukan?

  7. ahahaha iya betul! aku ikutan HC Launching juga waktu itu, hehe, salam kenal senior!

  8. Kar, I watched this video back and forth supaya nggak ada yang kelewatan pas lagi ngelenong mehehehe..
    Suggest dong, selain pake BB cream/moisturizer, mungkin ada sejenis foundie pengganti lainnya? Soalnya gw ga aware dan cukup malas pake moisturizer huhu. Any specific product, maybe? Ihihik :D

  9. weeyy thank you teng teng for watching it! hhehee.. sesungguhnya akupun malas pake moisturizer gituu. tapi kalo mau kondangan ya dipaksain pake moisturizer biar lebih nempel dan 'lenong" aje. haha!

    hmm yg gue tau sih cuma bb cream doang hehe. atau palingan pake foundie yg mengandung mineral, light lah pokoknya.


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