Saturday, October 15, 2011

Back In Melbourne

Alhamdulillah back in Melbourne!
Flew on wednesday night, with an hour delay departure, i finally arrived here on Thursday noon. 
Quite tired but happy to see my hubby pick me up in airport.
The weather here is good than before i went here on July, that was winter which is frickin cold, made me freeze.. and now is entering spring *if im not mistaken*

Maybe some of you wondering why am I keep going Jkt-Melbourne, bolak balik Jkt-Mel for three times in a year, that is pretty expensive right! You may think, what is she doing.. come and leave just like Jkt-Bdg! Haha, FYI, my hubby and I are not that wealthy tho. Seriously, but if you think so, yeah im gonnay say Aamin Ya Alloh ;)
Here im gonna explain.. I dont live in Melby for now because i have to finish my study in Bandung in fact i dont have any probs with immigration like others couple do *oh yeah call me so lame, so late, so lazy to finish my study*
I came here on January-February 2011 for honeymoon, staying a month for spending my holiday..
Then i went back here again on July for PR (permanent residence) things. I stayed 2 weeks to apply Permanent Residence together with my hubby. at that time we started to live economical, that was quite tough time for us, because we had to pay the agent, the fee of bureaucracy and etc. 
My hubby even sold his car to pay my flight tix. We rarely eating out like we often do in January.. yah Alhamdulillah we got thru those tough times together. Somehow we could more feel the love of 'us' in a hard time than the fun one.

And now.. me get back in Melby in October for immigration thingy. I got visa from Aussie only for three months since July, soooo... i have no choice! I have to go back here before Oct 15, otherwise i'll be illegal imigrants in Indonesia and definitely cant go back to Melby. Fiuh My hubby really works so hard to pay me the ticket.. and i have to leave my thesis again for a while.. huahhh.. hopefully this is the baroqah way for us!

So i kinda feel uncomfortable meeting people here (fyi, disini gue juga ketemu banyak orang indonesia, pertemanan faz, ada pengajian juga) because they'll ask me whether staying for good or go back Jkt again. Huhu. They might think "buset, bolak balik aja ni orang, kapan selesai kuliahnya". Hehe, hopefully its just my thought.

All i can say now is Alhamdulillah, just be thankful and be grateful for meeting again with my hubby. To meet him for the third time in this beautiful city is such a bliss! All of this happens because of Alloh.. ;)

well anywaaaaayy, thank you guys for being such a best reader! Thank you for your feedback on my first make up tutorial, hope you guys like it and insyaAllah i'll make the second video in here.. just wait and see ya!

Melby people would say : Hey! what's so cool take a picture in Coles????
Hahahaha... Its like take a pic at Carrefour in Indonesia.. LOL!
No, i just asked my hubby to take pic of my wole outfit, but he let the COLES in frame..
yeahh.. its ok tho..


  1. Hey jg tinggal di melbourne. wah, bisa ni main2 hehee..lo tinggal dimananya? gw di reynard st. nice to know ya!!!

  2. kar, barokah kar gak pke qof,klo pke qof setau gw artiny petir hehehe..anyway, have fun y...

  3. kara................. cantik amat...
    suaminya manaaaaaaaaaaaah? *lebih tertarik liat faz* hahahaha

  4. Ka karaa masi ingat aku gk *pasti gk ingat * dlu jg pnah comment di blog nya ka kara n bales2 an :) alhamdulillah ya ka kara dah dapet PR dsana jd tgl tgu skripsi kelar n ikut suami deh hikzzzz aq jg ni harus cepet nyeskripsweet biar bs cepetan ikut suamiku walopun gk sejauh aussy tp klo buat kita tiket PP masi mahal terpaksa cm bs ktemu sebulan 3 hari. semangkaaaa semangat ka kara.
    hmmm...biar aja deh kak org mau blg apa tentang skripsi kita krna sejatinya ketemu suami lebih penting hehhehehe hidup ka kara :) makin cantikkkk

  5. @bundaara: haiiii baru pindah melbourne yahh? aku di geelong Rd di daerah Altona situ dehh, kamu daerah mana yah.. salam kenaal :)

    v3: bahahahah emg iya ya fit? gue gak ngeh, slama ini gue nulisnya barokah apa baroqah yak? haha..

    @raia: salam kenal jugaa buat orang solo ;)

    @cili: cili plis dah ada teknologi sotosop, tinggal klak klik muke gue mulus deh hahaaa.. semakin kesini semakin malas foto sama faz, gak ada yg bener hahahaha!

    dinda: haloo dindaa.. ehh aku belom dapet PR, masih menunggu nih. doakan ya :) huhuhuh iya nih hadohh males bgt yak skripsiii, pdhl tmn2 yg lain yg ga harus buru2 malah cepet selesai -__-
    semangat yahh buat kitaa skripsinya. dan semoga cepet KELAR ldm nya. aamin ;)

  6. Good to see you get together again with your hubby hihi. Semoga badai LDM-nya cepat berlalu yah, so you can't be separated from hubby for ever :D

    Anyway, ik suka loh sama tutorialnya. LAGI LAGI LAGI YAH :D *terutama make up di foto sebelum tulisan ALL ABOUT MAKE UP* -->

  7. hahaha, masih keren kok foto di sana, orang indonesia kan gak banyak yang tau :p

  8. mbak kara, itu kamera pake lensa apa? keren deh

  9. @teng-teng: hahaha foto yang pake ungu-ungu ituu tohh

    @fenty: hehehe hope so!

    @elfira: pake kamera BB, hehehehhe *emg keliatan kaya pake lensa kamera yak?* GR

  10. didaerah coburg, sidney road situuu...jauh yah hehe..wah, kalo dah dapet PR asiik dong, mudah2an segera dapet yah!!sukses buat skripsi n butiknya yah.. trus disini buka butik juga gak? hehe...

  11. @bundara: suamiku dulu tinggalnya disituu wkt masih jaman kuliah hehe. Kemaren aku sempet ke coburg juga, kerjaannya suamiku hehe. ya di melby mah smua dket2 aja kayanya haha..
    aamin aamin.. makasih yahh. haha aku belom punya butik ;D
    btw dirimu disini for good?

  12. mbaaa karaa..itu celananyaa lucuu amat..beli dimanaa??hehehe..shawlnya kami idea yaa?

  13. heheheh beli dimana yaahh, lupa ;p
    iya itu shawl nya dari empunya kami idea sih lebih tepatnya :)


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