Im gonna write about what happenned in my life in 2010. I always do review about my life in a year. Lets start it now..
My Birthday
is a month of my birthday. I've been 22 years old in 2010. Sadly i didn't get a birthday surprise from my bestiest. So i passed my birthday alone and lonely. And Faz didn't give me a present or birthday surprise. But.. in January 21, i was hanging out with my bestiest.. and we did karaoke. As i entered the room of karaoke, one of my friends played a "Happy Birthday" song and there was a small birthday cake from them! Yihaa! That was unpredictable, the surprise was succeed! FYI, i am the one who difficult to be surprised, i always smell the "surprise plan". But at that time i didn't really aware and didnt expect it. Yeaahh i was very happy!
was a month of my two good friends' wedding; Mba Noni and Sotya. They held their wedding receptions at the same time, so me, rommy and echa should share time at the same night.
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Rommy, me & echa at Noni's |
In the mid of February i attended Asrama Baiti Jannati. I got so many knowledges about marriage life in Islam. It was a precious experiences. I fnally know the obligations and the rights of wife and husband.
In the end of February, Echa, Opit, Rommy and Dhenis were visit me to Bandung. They planned to hanging out in Bdg then went back to Jkt with me, lets call it that they picked me up! hehe
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Opit, Rommy, me , Denis and Echa |
was a month which filled with meeting of KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) preparations. We were about to take KKn in Rancaekek, Jawa Barat. So we had to prepare all of the programs that we'll do there. Our group named ANGGREK or orchid in english :)
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Anggrek mates |
The program of KKN has begun. Lots of programs we did to all of residents of Rancaekek. We only came to there every weekend, from Friday- Saturday. Futsal, Tye Dye, Seminar, Taman Desa and last but not least Orkes dangdut as a closing celebration. We had so much fun, gain some new friends, lots of new experiences. Luckily, most of them are very funny, humorous.. so we felt like its a vacation instead of an assignment.
Done with KKN thingy. It finished right a couple weeks before Faz arrive. Before Faz arrived to Jkt, i ever spent my time with my bestiest in Bandung. They all came to Bandung, visited me, Diyra and Lidia who stayed in Bandung. We went around Bandung, and we all stayed in a hotel. Oh actually two of my friends aimed to watch concert in Bandung, i forgot who's concert it was.
May 14, faz has arrived to town! He stayed in Jakarta for less than 2 weeks only! WOW! one of our activites was taking photo shoot for our pre wed. Took by Kiki's friend yet concepted by ajeng & kiki.
We also went to Bandung together with Faz's sister, cousin and his friends round trip in a day.
it was my holiday month! i got 3 months holiday.. and fortunately i filled it with some useful things. yess! Me and Rommiy created an online shop named MYKAMOVIC it stands for romMY KAra Moslem's Veil and Clothes.
Mykamovic was founded in June 26.We sold some clothes, scarfs, mukena and so on. All bout Moslem's wear. Alhamdulillah the responses were good!
I really love it, i didnt chase the money but i feel like i've found my passion. I thought that i couldnt be a good seller, but with online shop i proved it that i can!
a few of Mykamovic's collections
Still about mykamovic. We keep launched some new collections every week.
We ever held Bazaar 3 times. First, in Pondok Gede, Kebon Jeruk and La Code Fin.
July 5, Pondok Gede
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First launch at Pondok Gede |
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Second Bazaar, July 24-25 |
At the bazaar we met pretty yet cheerful young mom named Jenahara, or just call her Jehan. She also sold her scarfs nearby my stand. Then she sometimes stopped by at our stand. She's very nice and humble person.
Third Bazaar at La Code Fin
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with our sharing stand partner, Sarah & Velis |
Fasting month. Time to focus on worship instead of other things. And alsoo a month which full of "break fasting together" activites. Mbak Jehan once invited me and rommy in to a break fasting event at Urban Kitchen at Plaza Indonesia. Actually we were confused at that time, what kind of even it was. But as i opened and read hijabscarf blog, i finally know what it was.
As i arrived there, i really really amazed of some gorgeous hijabers there. The guests were really stylish, pretty, and stunning at the moment. Glad to meet and know them..
Lebaran Day!
The rest day of September is used for preparing the wedding. Ah ya, in this month, i've been invited to a BBM group called hijabers by Mbak Jehan. Aw aw most of the members were the one whom attended Hijabers gathering at Urban Kitchen. And they called me and rommy, si kembar -_____-
The Wedding & Honeymoon
It's been a month for me and faz! but before entering the wedding thingy, i had the second gathering with hijabers at Dian Pelangi house.
October 17, Faz had come and we did the preparation in last minutes.
October 20, Rommy and Prabu wedding
My best moment in 2010!
My wedding Oct 24
My dream wedding came true! Alhamdulillah.
Honeymoon part in Bali
I called it a month of Hijabers. Full of Hijabers activites :)
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Fashion Tendace at Hotel Mulia for Dian Pelangi |
November 24,
took part as one of extras of kak Ina Rovi second single video clip "Pelangi Hati". Alhamdulillah. The concept is friendship and all of the extras wore hijab :) The shooting was so much fun, though we were waiting so long, from afternoon till nite, but we (hijabers) were having so much fun by photo-ing, gossip-ing, and many more. hihi.
Nice.. cant wait to see the v clip on air on TV station. FYI, the song is quite good, sing along and easy listening! :)
November 27, at Kak Tia's house
the establishment of Hijabers Community
A month which full of wedding invitations. haha!
The rest day of December were just filled with some college activities..
WELL, The conclusions about 2010 are... nice, sweet, happy, loves, smiles, laughs, and so on. ALHAMDULILLAH, Thank you Allah for your blessings to my life, to our life :)
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