Friday, October 5, 2012

New project: Muter Muter Melbourne


Please introduce my new project with hubby... Muter Muter Melbourne.. (Spinning around Melbourne)
It's a channel video about exploring Melbourne with me as a host and my hubby as a Producer, Director, Camera Person and Editor haha.. lots of jobdesc ya hihihi..
This idea came from my hubby who inspired by other travelling video in youtube.. so since he's working as a Cameraperson and editor as well.. he decided to make his own :)
We've discussed and brainstormed about this project since i was in Jakarta.. So here we are...

Oya, we also had a help from my sister in law, Deycil.. she made the logo of Muter Muter Melbourne!
Awww i love it!!! I think it represents of me or... this blog? haha full of bright color..

Insyaallah M3 will be updated in every week.. (hopefully we can consistent in doing it :p)
In this 1st episode we went to City in a sunny day! Yea...

Hope you all like it..
Dont forget to leave a comment yaa :)

Oiyaaa... Excuse my bad english speaking in this video yaa ahahaha :p


  1. Whuaaaa suara kak kara lucu. Trus suara mas fazz nya cool ganteng gimanaaa gitu :p

  2. Kereeenn Kara, Alhamdulillah berasa ikutan jalan juga muter-muter Melbourne *ngayal:p, can't wait for the 2nd episode ^^

  3. kak Karaaaaa, seru deh jalan jalannya (bikin pengen) :D

  4. titlenya kembar ama punya sule OVJ waktu jalan jalan ke melbi...

  5. Opening song nya lucu,,,itu yg nyanyi sapa? hehehe..ditunggu episode selanjutnya :)

  6. sukaaaa bget kak karaaaa jadi pengen kesanaaaaa waaaaa.... im waiting 2nd episodenya kaaak ;)


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