Friday, January 29, 2010

my other dream

terhenyak oleh salah satu postnya mba Ups alis Upi.
woww! we have a same dream, and too bad I've just realized it by her..
she mentioned that he used to make her own magz when she was a child, and so did I !
I can remember it clearly..
I cropped my Kawanku Magz (I subscribed it at the moment), i cropped all of the pictures there, then I put them down into a blank paper then I wrote down on it. I made it precisely like a real magz unless the packaging ya, i just "jepret" it. and I could remember how was my writing at the moment.. i used to words such as "buruan kebet/ gebet, jangan sampe keabisan.. and so on.. and the corrs pic was the cover of the magz. nyahaha..
I really had plenty of Kawanku Magz, why i subscribed it instead of Gadis? it's because kawanku has a great article especially the personality part or the tips.
and I learnt so much from those articles..

when i was in my first grade of junior high school, i was choosen by my Indonesia languge teacher to be a writer of my school's magz called "Eksis" (haha!). i was a writer of a quiz page or personality tips article..
and i got my inspiration of writing an article was from Kawanku, and nobody realized that i was a bit did plagiarism. hahaha.. oops!

and now.. ive got my own blog.. my writing.. and you guys may read mine. wohoo ! such an honour..
just realized it, that this has been such a journey for me.. a journey of my writing..
i know that im way too far from perfect in writing.. but at least writing is such a pleasure for me..
i know its my medicine, my pleasure, my trash can
and so on..

"a good writer is a good reader"

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