After all those hijabers' meetings that i skipped (because of stayed in Bdg).. yeahh i finally attended the 4th meeting of hijabers at PS, Seroeni to be exact. Ihiiy!
I planned to straight go to Bandung after the meeting, why did i have to go to Bandung in Saturday?? Because i'll have my final exam on Monday and got to work on some assignments with my college friends.
What are we meeting for? Well actually we are planning for launching Hijabers Community on March. So we gotta well-preparation for this kinda BIG event. Kinda feel excited huh?
so do I! hihi.
What are we meeting for? Well actually we are planning for launching Hijabers Community on March. So we gotta well-preparation for this kinda BIG event. Kinda feel excited huh?
so do I! hihi.
So, Here are the photos are mostly i grab from Sendy and Siti.
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with Kak Lulu :) |
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stripes!!! |
And here is the "GONG" of the whole photos i got! Its edited by Sendy. -_____-
Thankyou loh Sendy for reading my mind! haha! i couldnt control my face, my "jutek" expression! Hihi. I put this pic as my BBM display pic, and some of my friends commented bout this pic. They told the pic is hilarious! hmmm...
kara tinggal di bandung? iiihhh hayu atuh kita barengan datengnya kalo ada event Hijabers Community yyuuu
ReplyDeletehahaha foto terakhirnya lucu banget :p
ReplyDeletebtw banyak yang make stripes ya :D
lagi musim garis2 yah :D
ReplyDelete@shofa; hai shofaa aku kuliah di Bandung, ngekos. Rumahnya di jakarta :) Ayyuukk boleehh! :D
ReplyDelete@nisanichan : hehe iya tuh kerjaanya Sendy iseng hehe. Iyaa ngga sengaja banyak yang pake stripes.
@me aishi: hehe bukan ngetrend kayanya, kebetulan ajaa :p
hei kara :)
ReplyDeletemau nanyaa,gimana ya caranya buat gabung hijabbers community?
aku dr bogor,
thanks :)
halooo ardiina :)
ReplyDeletebuat gabung di HC untuk sementara ikutin terus updet-an dari twitter, blog dan FB HC yaa.. nanti kalo ada acara di updet kok. Kamu dateng ajaa :)
hai kara u're sooo pretty :) aq jg pengen ikutan HC.. oya aq nonton Warna kmrn tgl 5 agustus.. ada kamu Kar.. cantiiiik :)
ReplyDeleteHaloo inee, Alhamdulillah.. Makasih yahh :) Ayo dong gabung di HC :D
ReplyDeleteOyah kamu nonton? Aku baru aja ngepost blog ttg itu, hehehe.. Asik asik ditonton :D
pengen ikutan gabung diHc lo kka.kka cantik .
ReplyDeletetapi jauh :(
HC medan ada ga yaaa ?
hukss belom ada HC di medan :(
ReplyDeletelove your blog!<3 <3
ReplyDeletesalam kenal yah karaaa :))smoga aku bs segera menjadi bagian dari HC huhuhu pengeenn tapi waktunya yg blm pas sm jdwl gawe aku :(
salam kenal juga yah merry :)
ReplyDeleteayooo gabuungg :))
ka kara salam kenal :)
ReplyDeletemau ikutan gabung HC gimana sih caranya?
salaam kenal juga :)
ReplyDeletekalau mau gabung, infonya ada di blog nya ya
ditunggu loh ;)
oe deh ka makasih banget ya ka. soalnya aku baru pake jilbab nih, jadi perlu banyak masukan biar modis pake jilbab nya. btw suka banget deh sama blog nya ka :D