Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my past time chairmate, Nadya

hello folks !
I've made an appointment with my past chairmate, nadya, to watch a movie at pim today. but.. i was sleep at subuh time.. and.. taraaaaaaa... i woke up at 2 o'clock. and first thing first that i did is check my phone if there's some missed calls or text from nadya.. but there wasnt any notification from her. and I turned my laptop on in order to check my twitter account. but I was dying for a pee, then I straight to bathroom but there was a call from bebi..
"bebi.. udah bangun blom"
"baru aja.."
"dicariin tuh.."
"sama siapa?"
"itu nadyarvie.. ktnya jadi gaa.."
"he eh yaudah aku mo mandi"

less than 15 minutes I'm done took a shower.. then I went to see my lappy, my twitter.. there were two tweets from nadya.. she told me that she had phoned me for many times at about 11 o clock, and the next tweet was on half past twelve. woww ! then I buzz her. gosh she was at PIM. alone. poor her. huhu im so sorry nad !
and blame on my phone. there was no notification. grrr ! I take it as a sign to change my cell phone :p

and afterall, we finally met in somewhere street in order to go to Puri mall.
we started our conversation in J.co, we've spent more than two hours there. with green tea and ice choco freeze as our beverages.
I told her the karafaz's storied.. and she told me her internship experience in Shell. *wow thats so cool nad! I've never been internship. huhu. i envy you..

overall, she's still the same.. the way she tell the stories.. she always talk bout her family, herself, her thoughts.. in details. but there's a side which she has changed, she's not that kinda fairy person any longer.
we each told something happened about us..

we almost spent more than 2 hours in J.co then we took mahgrib pray. as we done maghrib, nadya was whining of starving. ok then we had hokben as our dinner, we choosen the couple paket. though the portion looks slight but then we cant cleaned up it. i was soo damn full !
while we were having our dinner, nadya kept telling me her stories, her thoughts, her family and anything. and me still enjoying her fussyness
I know that she and her family are very nice person, I used to spend my time in her past home in my first grade of senior high school, till my mom and dad picked me up home. huaa miss those moments !
anyway, I found her she has changed from a spoiled person into an independent person, from a -ga-enakan-person into a bit a -bodo-amatan- person. good to know that nad :)

I'll pray the best for youu.. hope u'll be succeed in terms of romance, self development, self esteem, self confidence, thesis, and so on :)

kelakuan dia jaman dulu. emang tergila-gila banget sama gue ! haha :p

nb : love you nadd *tuhh pesenan lo, hahaha.. and love my bebi too *tetep lohh ! hihi.

1 comment:

  1. raa...!! itu tiga2nya gw yang nge-rate! :p hahaha
    seneng deehh diomongin kara di her famous life report.. :P haha

    iya nih ra.masih banyak sebenernya yang ingin gw dengar dari loe dan yg gw ingin loe dengar dari gw .. ;p hehe.
    dan loe tetap penganalisa karakter yg sangat baik! :) jadi yaa gw slalu snang nyerocos di dpn loe.:D hehe.mudah2an loe ga bosen yak. :p

    makasii ya doanya...:) amiiin. InsyaAllah kau juga slalu diberikan kebahagiaan ya sayang.Baik-baiklah sama orang-orang sekitar yang kau sayangi dan menyayangimu.Baik2 sama Faz. :)

    Kau selalu dekat di hatiku.*gilaaa...mesra banget dah skarang guwa ma kara.cinta guwa uda ga brtepuk sblah tangan lagi! yippie! ;p ahahaha

    nb: gila ya tuh foto masih ada aja!muka gw jijay bgt.hahaa..
    love you raa :D


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